Options for the design of real-time API authentication
Blog of Random Thoughts and Pictures
API Authentication
July 8th, 2012Virtualisation for Security
July 8th, 2012The Hoff over on Rational Survivability points out » Elemental: Leveraging Virtualization Technology For More Resilient & Survivable Systems . This is an approach taken in our PASSIVE project.
DTAG Tropo telco API
July 8th, 2012Deutsche Telekom Partners With Tropo To Expose Developer APIs for Voice and SMS via Disruptive Telephony
Openflow SDN limitations
July 7th, 2012Here’s an interesting analysis of how were OpenFlow/SDN is Not a Silver Bullet for Network Scalability
History of Telco APIs
July 5th, 2012A short history of Telco APIs (parlay) the long tail and their relevance today
Engaging Platform tips
July 4th, 2012Boot To Gecko Becomes Firefox OS
July 4th, 2012Mozilla’s Boot To Gecko Becomes Firefox OS, and scores Support From Sprint, Deutsche Telekom, ZTE, And More – via TechCrunch
Swedes pay for using VoIP usage on their smartphone
July 4th, 2012Do you hold Skype or VoIP calls on your smartphone well in Sweden subscribers will have to pay for the privilege
PaaS Magazine
July 3rd, 2012Platform as a Service Magazine | Latest PaaS News in a Magazine – http://miguelpdl.com/yourls/if
Ireland at the heart of Europe’s ICT research
July 3rd, 2012Ireland at the heart of Europe’s ICT research from the EC Information Society Newsroom mentions #TSSG research project Effects+ which Frances Cleary Grant has done a fantastic job of running in the past 2 years.