Blog of Random Thoughts and Pictures

WIT Physics open day March 2007

March 29th, 2007

In March I was asked to give a brief 10 min presentation to a 100 or so, fifth and sixth year students (secondary education / high school level) from around the South-East of Ireland about Physics with Computing.
What’s that I hear you say …… well my presentation is hosted on Slide Share ….. and hopefuly also embedded below for your viewing pleasure if your interested.

I tried to stick to more visual presentation, and must admit was the right way to go.
One of my follow presenters Gerald Fleming from Met Eireann and RTE took a completely different approach, going with a fully verbal presentations and I must admit both styles have given me a new perspective on presenting, as opposed to those dull & boring text filled powerpoint slide shows, which truely do not work.

Summer 2007 project with Mobile IP

March 22nd, 2007

Bill Malone from the BSc 3 in Computing class has just started with us, and will be with us for the summer developing a neat little solution for demonstrating Mobile IP.
In particular Bill will attempting to get a windows based, but Java developed, SIP client to work on linux and to then get Mobile IP enabled linux running on IPAQ5500. Once these two goals are reached then it is a case of putting them together, installing and running the client on the PDA, with the PDA using Mobile IP as it moves between two/three different network access points.
So first point to complete, SIP client on windows was achieved, however tyhe second task is proving harder then initially expected.

Techno spiders

March 22nd, 2007

Technorati Profile

IST Enable has sucessful review

March 12th, 2007

I’ve given an overview to projects at are in their early start up phase, well ENABLE is right in the thick of action, and we had its first year project review with the EC in the week March 12th 2007.
How did it go? Great the project achieved very good technical results so far and is managed quite well.
Some notable comments from the reviewers include:

There has been a visible impact in the Internet community and the participation activity in IETF standardisation has been remarkable.

A list of ENABLE Standards contributions can be selected off the website.

The project achieved all milestones in time and is well prepared for the final phase until the end of the year. The set of deliverables is very good.

A list of ENABLE deliverables can also be downloaded from the project website


March 5th, 2007

MORE is a European research project, which has been running since June 2006 but has only most recently moved closer to my resarch interests. With it focusing on the development of a Network-centric Middleware
for Group communication and resource sharing across heterogeneous embedded systems, the IST MORE project is:
* Implementing new technology to facilitate communication and distributed intelligence across groups of users using different wireless standards.
* Addressing the problem of how the interaction between humans and embedded systems can be efficiently supported by developing a system that can be tailored to the specific needs of diverse organisations.
* Designing a middleware platform that hides the complexity of the underlying heterogeneity of embedded systems through providing simplified APIs and management mechanisms for the future operators of these systems.
* Validating the MORE middleware with future operators will demonstrate the ease with which target organisations can put a usable and reliable system of networked embedded devices into operation using MORE middleware. Two use case scenarios are being implemented: Mitigation management (forestry and environment) and Medical environment (Diabetes).
For the Mitigation Management of environmental damage – e.g. critical value transgression for forest system stability (storm, biological stability), water quality, soil functionality – information must be transferred from automatic monitoring facilities (e.g. EU Level-I/II plots) to a heterogeneous group of (a) affected land owners and (b) persons in charge at different administration, research, and management organisations.
For the Chronic Care scenario which will allow diabetes patients, medical experts, patients relatives and family doctor to be grouped together and react to emergency situations in both static and mobile environments. With the help of the system patients can regularly check their status, analyse the monitored data, be informed on the actions they have to implement, get answers for their questions, and get external help if needed.
As you may tell the lines above are all forward looking “will” statements, there will be MORE concrete comments to follow once I get a chance to further participate in the project.
IST MORE is a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) supported by the European Union as part of the Information Society Technologies (IST) Program.