Since my post in August on the European Network of Living Labs at IST 2006 we have worked hard and are finally here, the launch day of the Living Lab network.
It has taken some organisation by the European Commission, the Finnish government, and CoreLabs , but the community website is ready at, the event is in a lovely location in Helsinki and has high participation, you couldn’t ask for more.
Arc Labs is a member of this first wave, and it is interesting to see and hear some similar and some diverse Living Labs from across Europe. Well the doors are open we are all ready to collaborate!
It was an early start, 8.00am to start the network session, a couple of pictures were taken and I have uploaded these to a flickr account.
This one additional picture is of my presentation on Arc Labs.
Blog of Random Thoughts and Pictures
The first step is being taken, Network of Living Labs is launched today
November 20th, 2006CWE ’07 call for papers
October 26th, 2006I’d like to take this opportunity to highlight the 2nd Conference on Collaborative Working Environments for Business and Industry (CWE´07) which will take place June 14-15, 2007, in the brand new House of Culture in Luleå, Sweden.
The conference is co-organised by Luleå University of Technology and the European Commission in a joint effort to direct the ICT sector more closely towards the needs of European business and industry.
If Europe is going to achive the goal of becoming the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010, as stated in the Lisbon Strategy, many crucial challenges and opportunities clearly fall into the domain of Collaborative Working Environments.
Just like in CWE´06 (held in Brussels, Belgium, May 10-11, 2006) the mission of the conference is to bring together both industry practitioners and academics to jointly address emerging inbdustry needs, and to collectively shape the future research agenda in the area of Collaborative Working Environments.
One essential change since the last conference is that CWE´07, apart from our esteemed keynote speakers, also includes parallell sessions in which researchers from both academia and industry are invited to present their work.
We look forward to your contribution and welcome you to beautiful Luleå, just south of the Arctic Circle.
The overall theme of CWE’07 is:
* Service-Oriented Collaboration Infrastructures
Topics include but are not limited to:
* Collaboration Service Modeling
* Collaboration Service Assembly
* Collaboration Service Management
* Collaboration Infrastructure Runtime
* Quality of Service of Collaboration Services
* Methods and Tools Supporting Creativity and Productivity
* Practice and Research
January 15, 2007
Deadline for electronic submission of full papers. Papers should have a maximum length of 10 pages (Times New Roman, 12 pt).
February 15, 2007
Deadline for electronic submission of revised papers.
Papers will be subjected to a double-blind review-process. Accepted papers will be published in the conference preceedings.
eMobility – the EU Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology Platform
October 26th, 2006I’ve been asked to present a few slides on the Research Domain perspectives on eMobilty and EU Collaborative Research for a seminar organised by Enterprise Ireland / InvestNet in association with the EPISTEP Programme.
The event is hosted at the O’Connell Suite, 2nd Floor, Burlington Hotel, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4.
The other speakers are Dr Fiona Williams, Chairperson, eMobility Technology Platform & Research Director, Ericsson Research, Germany and Fiona will talk about the eMobility Technology Platform – Overview and benefits of participation for Irish companies
Derek Gallagher Co-Chair EPISTEP program / Targeting Innovation Ltd is talking about the EPISTEP Project – enabling SMEs greater access to European collaboration
Mark Roddy, Product Manager, Lake Communications and Dawood Ghalaieny, Managing Director, Cellusys also offer their perspectives.
Last but not least the event is Free of Charge to attend.
A vision of the Internet in 2020
October 26th, 2006In an attempt to continue along the theme of the Future Internet, I’ve just been altered to a report by Pew Internet and American Life in which the Internet’s future in 2020 is debated
The initial link given above is to the BBC report, however there’s nothing better than going to the horses mouth. “The Future of the Internet II” report can be found at the Pew Internet site and the full survey of technology thinkers [pdf] is here.
There are some interesting scenarios considered:
Scenario One: A global, low-cost network thrives
Scenario Two: English displaces other languages
Scenario Three: Autonomous technology is a problem
Scenario Four: Transparency trumps privacy issues
Scenario Five: Virtual reality brings mixed results
Scenario Six: The internet opens access and blurs boundaries
Scenario Seven: Some Luddites will commit terror acts
World Priorities: Ranking priorities for global development
New Conference date for TridentCom ’07 May 21-23 2007
October 20th, 2006As co-chair for the Demonstrations for the TridentCom 2007 conference, I was recently informed of a move of the date of te conference from the original date of Feb 2007 to May 21-23, 2007.
This move will help resolve some time issues and also accommodate the
involvement of IEEE COMSOC, a co-sponsor, in the organization of the conference.
Correspondingly, there are new submission and notification deadlines.
Full papers due: December 31, 2006
Demo proposals due: December 31, 2006
Notification of acceptance: February 28, 2007
Final manuscript due: March 31, 2007
Conference date: May 21-23, 2007
I’ve changed the details on also.
ArcLab opening in pictures
October 19th, 2006Trust Paul W to get some good shots of te ArcLab open day
Life is grand ? Bertie came.
A whole set of pictures can also be spotted on Flickr
mm3project09 is under way
October 19th, 2006As we were going through the ENABLE WP6 agenda today, it reminded me of Karen’s year 3 multimedia project, in which Karen is helping us give some zip to the ENABLE demonstrator.
Karen has started a blog to record the progress mm3project09, and I have every confidence after meeting with Karen last week that we’ll put together something really neat.
It’s all work … honest
October 19th, 2006PIctures can tell a thousand tales, and John has recently uploaded a number of interesting ones ;-).
After some reflection at the Jade Buddha temple you would have thought I was well set up for the thoughtful ENABLE workshop. No we really needed a taste for home and so we hit the Octoberfest in Shanghai.
Our friend Niklas from UGOE, was not impressed by the German band!
Yesterday we got a chance to visit the Huawei showroom offices in Shanghai. And they were demonstrating to us some equipment you could only dream about, WiMax and NGN in particular.
WIT ArcLab Research and Innovation Centre opens
October 18th, 2006I was quite disappointed not to be able to attend the official opening of our offices in Carriganore by the Taoiseach Mr. Ahern. So I spent sometime yesterday looking to the web for a report and it was no surprise to find ENN on the ball “ gets new telecoms research lab”
The concise overview of the event, indicated that it went extremely well, which was also reflected through the email accounts I have received since. Although the folks on the 1st floor were a little dissapointed that Mr. Ahern didn’t get a chance to see the innovative demonstrators on display.
Warm welcome to Shanghai
October 16th, 2006We’ve had a very warm welcome to China so far (25C). Well I say we as John Ronan is also with me here in Shanghai.
We’re here as part of the IST ENABLE project workshop and at the invitiation of Huawei.
The workshop gets fully underway tomorrow, 16th of Oct, were we plan to cover a number of Mobile IPv6 technical topics, such as MIPv4-to-MIPv6 interworking and SHIMv6.
There’s also a planned Huawei internal workshop to be held at the end of the week, given the packed agenda, there’s only a few free days we get here in China.
We’ll try and make the best of them.