Wednesday, August 03, 2011

OSGi Running in the Cloud: Virgo in CloudFoundry

I'm just been tryout out Hristo Iliev's support for Virgo in CloudFoundry, described on his blog. The VM took a few hours to download and a few minutes to unzip, but then starting CloudFoundry and deploying an application to a Virgo instance worked first time.

CloudFoundry takes a little while to get started:

But then it's trivial to deploy an application to a Virgo instance:

after which the application, in this case the Virgo web admin console, runs as expected at the application URL

and jconsole shows where the Virgo instance has been created:

The cloud nature of this setup becomes more apparent when another application is deployed. Since I'm lazy, I deployed the same application under a different name:

The application is then available at and jconsole shows there are now two Virgo instances running:

I'm looking forward to Hristo's pull requests become merged into the CloudFoundry base and maybe eventually Virgo showing up in some clouds near you.


  1. Hi! Nice article - just the one I was looking for. Thanks

  2. Amazing!!! Exactly what I'm looking for!
